Why create this website

This website has been created to encourage people to go into cyber security. 

It has been aimed at people who have the passion for cyber security but don't know where to begin to start learning about it. 

There is going to be information on useful courses to do to gain the skills to start off in the industry. These are courses I have used in my path into security. 

There will also be information about the roles in security with brief descriptions and lists of skills that are used in them. 

I will be touching on different tools we use and how to use them. If there is a course that teaches you about the tool I will be adding a link to that to help demonstrate what the tool can do. 

This is not the only way to get into the industry but I will try and show as many paths as I can to show the variety. This information will grow as I learn more in my own path in security. website has been created to encourage people to go into cyber security. 

It has been aimed at people who have the passion for cyber security but don't know where to begin to start learning about it. 

There is going to be information on useful courses to do to gain the skills to start off in the industry. These are courses I have used in my path into security. 

There will also be information about the roles in security with brief descriptions and lists of skill that are used in them. 

Also the tools we use and the different varieties of them. 

This is not the only way to get into the industry but I will try and show as many paths as I can to show the variety.